domingo, 29 de diciembre de 2013

Shikamaru as the next Hokage

 Now, we are gonna talk about the most intelligent guy in the whole village, this kid is the only one in his class that pass the chunin exams withiut actually winning his fight jajajaja now that is amazing huh.. then theres the fact that his has a team that goes wayy back to his father and his friends father now tbat is amazing its the classic ino chika cho combo jeje. So this guys is perfect for the.. or is he.

 Now when it comes to strengh Shikamaru isn't the strongest and his jutsu artillery is not that dinamyc, all he uses is the shadow possesion jutsu but in different forms like the shadow possesion and the shadow stranggling jutsu or the shadow stiching jutso etc... all he does is use the shadows which is a very amazing jutsu but it's not effective in all situations and against all type of opponents but if used in combination with bombs and other peoples ninjutsu then it could work pretty well.

 I gotta say that Shikamaru is a pretty philosophical guy like when he was playing shogi with asuma and used the climbing silver technique to beat him but later learned that in real life tjat is a really bold move to play. But the best part is when he learned who is the king that he as a shinoby has to protect, that was his breaktrough point.. he knew that if he can sacrifece his life to protect the children of the village then he would gladly do it for tje futere of the leaf.

 I say is a pretty damm good candidate for hokage but the only thing tbats stop him is himself because he always finds everything to be a drag and a waste of time he would problably spent his whole day as hokage sleeping or something while the city runs wild jajaja.

 But all joking aside tell what do you think aboit shikamaru.becoming hokage, does it fits him or is the to much for him leave a comment amd I would gladly answer back jeje..

So see ya and take care..  :-)

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