lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

Bleach review: manga chapter 564

 Hello my fellow anime lovers and welcome to this weeks bleach review jeje.

 Well first to start things off I've got to give Mr. Renji Abarai a huge round of applause and thanks because he FINALLYYY!!!!!! DESTROYED THAT IDIOT MASK THE MASCULINE WOOOOOOOUUUUU  JAAA. Finally jeje so heres to you renji (applause like crazyyy) .

 Man for real that guy was getting under my skin man I hated him, I mean how is it possible that he took care of two captains at the same time you know what I'm talking about, I mean sheeshh he almost killed them like it was nothing but come to think of it Rose deserved it because he was telling him how his bankai worked so he deserved to get killed jaja.

 But the real show of the night was renji and his new bankai and if you come to think of it, it look a lot like former head captain yamamotos bankai, where do you ask well I'm not talking about abilities or aesthethics, what I mean is that yamamoto had like 4 different names for his bankai and with each name came a new power and so does renji he called his bankai by different name and each with different powers as well.

 For this I got a theory and it is that genryusai actually trained in the zero division with the guy that gives names to the zanpakto and so I guess that with knowing your swords true name you are able to use it's full power like calling 4 names for different powers of the bankai.

 So what do you think about my theory of renjis bankai, do tou agree with me, did you like the episode and this review or not, whatever it is let me know i'll gladly talk with you so see ya and TAKE CAREE..  :-)

viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

RIP SASUKE UCHIHA: Naruto shippuden manga chapter 661.

Wow this chapter was amazing and packed with lots of action and drama.

 Where should I start, first we got the horrible sight of the bijuu getting suckt in to the gedo mazo, and if that isn't bad enough we got naruto dying on us. Then we got the the second hokage stepping up to the plate and fighting madara 1 on 1 but madara is just to much with that rinnegan eye of his and hashiramas sage chakra.

 Then we have the first hokage saying something to sasuke about wanting to give him some kind of jutsu and he even said that sasuke reminded him of izuna uchiha, madaras little brother. So he apparently gives him this jutsu and he is off to where madara is. Then we got the kurama saying something to Gara about him being their last hope so I wondered what they are planing with all of this because if you remember right in the last episode the kiubyy said something to gara and we didn't get to hear what it was so maybe they planned somerhing out jumm who knows.

 And the most SHOCKING part came at the end when madara took sasukes sword and impaled him right through the heart, but I got to wondered, is this part of the justsu that hashiram gave him or some sort of tsukoyomi on sasukes part or did this really happend.. wow at this point Im really speechless ' cause sasuke is a jerk and all but he can't diee!!!!! come on what about that fight with naruto we have been waiting to see for like 8 years now JUMMMM...

 Well I don't think he is gonna die but something is happening here so lets stay tune to next week to find out and come back to anime guru for the best review out there jejeje naa Im joking but come and see...

 So tell me what you think about this chapter and about sasuke being impaled with his own sword...see ya TAKE CAEE   :-)

domingo, 12 de enero de 2014

Shingeky no kiojin: how cool would it be if we could turn into titans ourself.

 Well this is a very odd blog but I just had to ask that question 'cause you all see how amazing the show is and how incredible eren looks when he turns into a titan, but lets be real if we could turn into titans someday , it would totally destroy everything around you within instants and that is due to the huge thunder and lightning that comes down upon the lerson who is transforming jeje so it would be chaos before the titan even appears jajaja.

 Imagine a world where the technology is so advanced that they developed a syrum or potion which can turn you into a titan within instants and then force you to do all kinds of stuff normal humans can't do, how would that be huh jaja. What sorts of things can you think of doing.

 And coming back to attack on titan, what the hell is under erens house in the basement huh, what could it be and who is that huge monkey titan jeje and where are the armored the colossal and ymir going?, is there another human colony outside the walls?

 And what is going to happen to erens power huh Is he gonna control it finally,??? Aaaarhhgg so MANY QUESTIONSSSS Jajaja..

So tell me what would you do if you could become a titan? jeje.... see yaa TAKE CARE

jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

Why did every Naruto character had a bad childhood???

 Well this is a great question a also a funny one as it has come to my attention to figure out why does every single character in Naruto has jad a bad and terrible childhood jummmm.

 Let see first theres Naruto who we all know why his childhood was so bad and it's because of that pesky fox like he called j
Him jajaja. His entire life being treated like a nobody grrr that just irritates me cause after all that he STILL wants to be hokage and help those same people ufff man I just get mad with naruto jejeje.

 Then we got Gara, at first I thougt he was just evil but when they showed his childhood story wuuu that was amazing it even got some tears out of me jeje. Gara was a very lonely kid thanks to the shukkaku but even more thanks to his father who hated him and even went as far to tell him that his mother hated him and because of him she died whooa that got me mad. So in the end he fell in love with naruto and all was fine again for him........JAJAJAJAJAJA.

 Now it's Kakashis turn. Kakashi was always a reserved kid like sasuke you know allways training and not thinking about anything else just rtying to get stronger. We really didn't knew anything aboit his childhood until it was showed that his father was the white fang of the leaf, one of the most strongest shinobi to ever lived, and then we found out how he died and if that wasn't enough he lost his best friends and he even killed Rin so we know that his childhood was pretty dark jeje.

 And to finish up because there are plenty more bad vhildhood stories. We got neji hyugas story.
 Neji is the strongest in his generation yet he is treated like a nobody like a sacrifice if needil it by the head branch part of the hyugaa clan. With his witnessing the death of his father thanks to a mistake of his uncle wich os part of the head branch of family he went through hell knowing tjat his father died for no reason at all other than to help his stupid brother...

 Well those are some of the bad stories but tjere are a lot of them so tell me wich one is your favorite and why....  see ya .. TAKE CARE   :-)

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

Fullmetal alchemist

 The tale of two brothers that lose their mother at a very young age and in an effort to get her back one of them loses his arm and leg and the other loses his entire body.

 Well this is the story of Edward and Alfonse elrich, two brothers that despite they knowing that using alchemy to revive a person is wrong well they do it anyway. This is called a human transmutation and it involves putting the same ingredients of the human body in a transmutation circle to get that body back but they forgot about the soul and thats when the exchange came in and in order to get there mothers body back they had to give something in exchange and it was their bodys.

 We all know what happened next and thats what makes this shor anime in to one of the greatest of all time. As this boys go trough life and its hardshils trying to get their hands on the greatest power known to man which is the "Philosofer stone" this power ot is said that it can make a human into a God giving them power to revives the dead and to do what ever they want. But theres a catch, in order to get this power one would have to make a great sacrifice which is even greater than losing your body.

 So ed and al go tk find this power so that they can get their bodys back bit in their journey they encounter many hardships that would later prove to be a lesson in why this lkwer shoiud never be unfoiled. So as they come closer and closer tje reality that this is a crazy job starts to sink in as they encounter the homonculus and all sorts of enemies that let them know that nothing is at it seems, theys start to wonder what exactly it is that one needs to do to get the philosofer stone.

 And a short while later they do find out what is that great sacrifice they have to make to get the stone back and their bodys but I dont want to be a spoiler jejeje so go watch it to find out you won't regret it jeje.

 So tell me if you like this review and what your favorite moment in the series is and I'll gladly tell you mine so

See ya and TAKE CARE :-)

domingo, 5 de enero de 2014

Attack on titan predictions 2014.

 Well I believe that on 2013 attack on titan was definetly the best anime by far giving us all sorts of mix emotions like hate love sadness and lots more. This anime is going to blow are minds in 2014.

 For starters I believe that eren is going to get a grasp of those powers he showed while battleling the titans in where he actually controlled one of them and he's gonna be able to control a large group but not for a long time I believe. Then they are gonna actually get to reiner, bertolt amd ymir and either catch them or killed them.

 As for the ape titan I don't even know who that is, some say he is erens father but I don, t think is erens dad and f I really don,t care because this guy can talk and he has reason jeje so that that for him. So we'll get to see more of historia and I believe her family is linked to those wall worshippers to some degree.

 Then there is Annie who I thinl is gonna get break out of that cristal and she will talk  and we will get so see her past and who gave jer the abilities to transform into a titan and all that. I think that we'll get to se who are the people of which reiner and bertolt talked about and where they are.

And finally we will get to see what is in that basement of his house in wall maria, but thats not all I think theres lots of things happening in attack on titan but some of the things I got on mind will have to wait for 2015 so until then jeje.

 So tell me dod you like my predictioms or are they whack. Tell me about it in the comments and let me know what you think is gonna happen in 2014 in the anime..
So see ya and TAKE CARE  :-)

Akatsuki: The most bad ass group in anime

 Those guys are something different, they are bad as hell and all of them have there own unique personality.

 Like the zombie duo for example kakusu and hidan are the craziest of the group given that there real motive is making money on anything they can get there hands on, they are bounty hunters in other words. This guys arent afraid  of nothing since they can't die, until they met shikamaru and naruto that is jajajaja.

 Then theres Sasory of the red sand and deidara the bomb artist jejeje. Now this guys are the most unpaired match of all of the akatsuki, they are allways fighting and never get along constanly giving orders to each other and ending fighting to see who does what.I like deidara and sasory but they are not my favorites jaja.

 Then there is my favorite pair who are Itachi Uchiha and Kisame hoshigaki. Now thos guy are total lone wolfs but they dont need to figjt as a group because they are amazing fighting by themselfs. Itachi is something we dont need to talk about cause he is amazing and kisame is a bijuu with no tail li he says so they are really ruthless in there own way.

 So finally there is Konan Setsu and Pain the leader..and tobi but he is not a part of the group really. But the reality is that this three with the exeption of setsu who is a good for nothing snitch are the original bosses of akatsuki and they are super powerful and dont care about nothing or bo one just spreading pain to the world.

 I really got to say that I love this group cause they are truelly worthy of being call villains, they stick to there motives and try to achieve it no matter what so for me the akatsuki are the baddest group in anime history jeje.

 So let me know if you agree with me or if you think that another group is worthy od this title.

So see yaa and TAKE CARE...  :-)

viernes, 3 de enero de 2014

Top 5 anime transformations and power ups.

 #5 inuyashas demon transformation.

So right a the top I got inuyashas transformation in to a demon. I really like this one cause he loses control of everything and better yet he gets super powerful even more then when he has his tetsaiga with him jajaja.

#4. Yuseke uramechis yokai transformation.

 This one is a pretty good one cause we all know and love are very own spirit detective who fights evil to keep us safe. Well thats all great but to actually see him transform into that beast was amazing he is supposed to ne a legend or something so its pretty unique.

 #3. Ichigo Kurosakis hollow transformation.

 So in the top 3 there are the best of the best and thats ichigos amazing ttansfor.ation in to that beast of a monster jajaja and the best part is that he loses control and starts destroying everything jeje. This transformation really change everything about transformations in general, I mean it really shuk me up jajaja.

 #2. Now this last to were a battle for me but here it is. At #2 I got Narutos bijuu sage mode transformation.

 Now this is epic at its finest I mean to do 2 transformations at once like that whoa that was amazing  naruto really is turning into a great ninja you know he impresses me more and more but is it gonna be enough to stop madara?? We'll seeee jajaja.

....... and at #1 yes you all guess it.... it is ...gokus transformation into super saiyan 3......

Woooooww that was amaziiiing jajaja I meam he screamed like there was no tomorroe you know he even shook part of the floor of ff.

This transformation is the best over all others since it really took things to another level, it just every otger anime that there was no hero like goku jaja wow it just amazes me how great Dbz tramsformations were in generall.

So there you have it my top 5 transformation of all time in my opinion but if you disagree feel free to tell me in the comments and let me know which transformation is the best jeje.


Ao no exorcist; review and opinion.

 Well this anime is really something great I mean with all religion stuff and satan being the bad guy ufff it is a pretty dam good story.

 So I really love the beggining of the anime where the main character is living in a church with his brother and having the priest taking care of them, and you know satan killing tje priest was pretty bad ass. So they have to go to this school where they learned how to be exorcist and even paladdins jeje sounds really amazing right.

 Well it is pretty great having all these kids trying to become exorxist and the journey they go trough in true cross academy is cool. And everything is going great until everybody learns that rin okamura and his brother are the sons of satan jajajaja. Wow what a plot twist right jakaja.

 But in the end they every body acceps them and even helped them in the fight agains satan so it is a really great anime and I ivite you to check it out. So leave a comment and tell me what do you lime about ao no exorcist..

See ya and take care :-)

Hunter x hunter: Hisoka vs Gon.

 Haha this was ackward, good but ackward jaja.

 At first you could see the seriousnes in there eyes and in the first minutes it was all good, seeing gon hitting a few blows with the floor tile thing and even hisoka kicking that tile  to the roof jajaja. It was pretty good but when he attached that bunggie gum of his it when south for gon jeje.

 Gon started receiving a good beatting by hisoka and the shit happende jajaja hisoka started acting all gay and stuff hahaha like he wanted gon to rape him or something jeje. I tell you this one fight that I just don' get tired of seeing because of hisokas gayness jajajajaja it was great jeje.

So if you agree with me that hisoka is full gay then let me know in the comments jajaja.


jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

Bleach 2014 predictions.

 So for this bleach I see a really good 2014 like lots of battles and plot twists that is gonna shake our mi ds jeje.

 First I think that Ichigo is gonna figjt uryu and then juuha bach. But I also believe that is gonna be sometime before ichigo arrives there anyway so thats good caise we will see lots of battles before then. I belive rukia is gonna have a great appearence to and that we will FINALLY see her BANKAI and I know is gonna be EPIC jeje and also i believe that byakuya is gonna get his revenge as well after they destroyed his zanpakto so thats gonna ne great as well.

 And this is the year where we see a return of the fullbringers even if they don't do anything at all but they will appeared you will see. And thats not all I think that the espada are also making an appearence like halibel and grimjow, but is that not good enough the the best appearence of them all is gonna be AIZEN hehe I really believe that je is gonna comeback.

 So in the end it's gonna be ichigo against uriu or juuha bach and to tell you the truth Im really exited to see ichigos new power. And something that has been on my mind is that we got to see his new swords and all tjat with his training but we didn't get anything on his quincy powers so thats gonna be GREATT jeje.

 Ufff theres so much to cover in this prediction cause bleach is coming with a bang in 2014.
And there are lots of myth out there like the one were they say that aizen is already on the battle field disguised as kyoraku.

 So what i'm most exited for is to see KENPACHIS return and this time with his great sword hehe so this is gonna be a hreay year for anime so see yaa and TAKE CAREE :-)

Shingeky no kiojyn/Attack on titan elisode 21 opinion and review.

 WOW this episode was the best of the first season, with a lot of drama and really action packed uff I really gotta say it was great.

 Alright first we have Erwin explaining why he ordered levi to refuel when the fight with the titan was over as she got eaten by other titans, and the we got eren seeing his comrades get eaten and I can only say wow that was heary breaking to see the best of the best get killed luke they were nothing huh. But in the end eren couln't take it anymore and he had to go titan and that is where the greatness started jeje.

 At first it was an exchange of blows with great music and scenary behind It. It was so intense that at on of the first huge blows eren actually ended breaking both his arms!!! Hahaha taht was great man, I just love how enraged he was for him to break his own limbs like that jaja. But the female titan got quite tired of eren and his blind assault and decided to put a stop to it and how.... yes by chopping off his head with a massive kick!!!! Ohhh that was epic but what really made the episode for me was when she ate eren and mikasa was there watching it all jajajaja the look on her face was pricesless jajaja.

 Mikasa was mad as hell and so she and captain levi went after the female titan to get back eren. Man this episode really was great I mean I was on the edge of my seat and my reaction was worth a million bucks hahaha uuff this episode was amazing and it blasted me with great informacion and great fighting jeje. But I believe that tne music helped a lkt cause wow when he was about to hit her in the ground what really pump me up was that german girl singing that amazing song wuufff that was reallyyy greattt jajajajaja.

 But you guys let me know what you think about attack on titan as a whole and your thought on this episode, do you agree with me or not and if not the let me know in the comments I'll have a debate with you anytime jajaja...

 So see yaa and TAKE CARE :-)

miércoles, 1 de enero de 2014

Naruto shippuden predictions 2014

 Hello every one happy new year and welcome to the first post of the year in anime We are more then happy to continue to entertain you with the best blogs in the internet.

 Now as far as Naruto shippuden goes here is where we are right now, Naruto defeated obito with the help of his old friend Mr. Sasuke Uchija jeje and the madara got revived by obitos rinne tensei jutsu and so it began
 Madara started his assault on the bijuus with his rinnegan and here we are now.

 Well personaly I don't know how are they gonna defeat this beast cause even naruto got his bijuu suckd out by madaras and sasuke is clearly no match for him.. and the kage can get sealed in an istant since madara knows the edo tensei seal so for my preddictions I believe that the actually manage to defeat him with all the bijuu inside naruto making him the juubu jinchuriky and the new sage of six path.

So after the war is over I believe that some yeats are gonna passed and we are gonna end up in the day where naruto becomes hokage and finally noticing hinata jeje. Then naruto vs sasuke round 3 will take place in where they both actually die just like naruto said and konahamuru takes the sit of hokage next leaving behind a wife and kids the 6th hokage is buried and his face engrave in the moutain for ever so that the village can remember the legacy of the hero of the hidden leaf jjajaja.

Then in the end narutos kids end up being great ninja and having there own story and that will be it.. I mean yeah shikamaru ends with temary and choji with ino and rock lee with sakura since sasuke is dead jeje. But thats pretty much it for naruto, it's pretty sad to see my favorite anime end but thats life all good things must come to an end jeje.