viernes, 3 de enero de 2014

Ao no exorcist; review and opinion.

 Well this anime is really something great I mean with all religion stuff and satan being the bad guy ufff it is a pretty dam good story.

 So I really love the beggining of the anime where the main character is living in a church with his brother and having the priest taking care of them, and you know satan killing tje priest was pretty bad ass. So they have to go to this school where they learned how to be exorcist and even paladdins jeje sounds really amazing right.

 Well it is pretty great having all these kids trying to become exorxist and the journey they go trough in true cross academy is cool. And everything is going great until everybody learns that rin okamura and his brother are the sons of satan jajajaja. Wow what a plot twist right jakaja.

 But in the end they every body acceps them and even helped them in the fight agains satan so it is a really great anime and I ivite you to check it out. So leave a comment and tell me what do you lime about ao no exorcist..

See ya and take care :-)

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