lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

Fullmetal alchemist

 The tale of two brothers that lose their mother at a very young age and in an effort to get her back one of them loses his arm and leg and the other loses his entire body.

 Well this is the story of Edward and Alfonse elrich, two brothers that despite they knowing that using alchemy to revive a person is wrong well they do it anyway. This is called a human transmutation and it involves putting the same ingredients of the human body in a transmutation circle to get that body back but they forgot about the soul and thats when the exchange came in and in order to get there mothers body back they had to give something in exchange and it was their bodys.

 We all know what happened next and thats what makes this shor anime in to one of the greatest of all time. As this boys go trough life and its hardshils trying to get their hands on the greatest power known to man which is the "Philosofer stone" this power ot is said that it can make a human into a God giving them power to revives the dead and to do what ever they want. But theres a catch, in order to get this power one would have to make a great sacrifice which is even greater than losing your body.

 So ed and al go tk find this power so that they can get their bodys back bit in their journey they encounter many hardships that would later prove to be a lesson in why this lkwer shoiud never be unfoiled. So as they come closer and closer tje reality that this is a crazy job starts to sink in as they encounter the homonculus and all sorts of enemies that let them know that nothing is at it seems, theys start to wonder what exactly it is that one needs to do to get the philosofer stone.

 And a short while later they do find out what is that great sacrifice they have to make to get the stone back and their bodys but I dont want to be a spoiler jejeje so go watch it to find out you won't regret it jeje.

 So tell me if you like this review and what your favorite moment in the series is and I'll gladly tell you mine so

See ya and TAKE CARE :-)

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