viernes, 3 de enero de 2014

Top 5 anime transformations and power ups.

 #5 inuyashas demon transformation.

So right a the top I got inuyashas transformation in to a demon. I really like this one cause he loses control of everything and better yet he gets super powerful even more then when he has his tetsaiga with him jajaja.

#4. Yuseke uramechis yokai transformation.

 This one is a pretty good one cause we all know and love are very own spirit detective who fights evil to keep us safe. Well thats all great but to actually see him transform into that beast was amazing he is supposed to ne a legend or something so its pretty unique.

 #3. Ichigo Kurosakis hollow transformation.

 So in the top 3 there are the best of the best and thats ichigos amazing ttansfor.ation in to that beast of a monster jajaja and the best part is that he loses control and starts destroying everything jeje. This transformation really change everything about transformations in general, I mean it really shuk me up jajaja.

 #2. Now this last to were a battle for me but here it is. At #2 I got Narutos bijuu sage mode transformation.

 Now this is epic at its finest I mean to do 2 transformations at once like that whoa that was amazing  naruto really is turning into a great ninja you know he impresses me more and more but is it gonna be enough to stop madara?? We'll seeee jajaja.

....... and at #1 yes you all guess it.... it is ...gokus transformation into super saiyan 3......

Woooooww that was amaziiiing jajaja I meam he screamed like there was no tomorroe you know he even shook part of the floor of ff.

This transformation is the best over all others since it really took things to another level, it just every otger anime that there was no hero like goku jaja wow it just amazes me how great Dbz tramsformations were in generall.

So there you have it my top 5 transformation of all time in my opinion but if you disagree feel free to tell me in the comments and let me know which transformation is the best jeje.


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