viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2013

Code geass and the reasons why is in my top 5 best anime of all time

Now in this blog I want to let everyone know that code geass is one of my favorites anime and why. Now for starters the genre is one of the best which is that  mecha sci-fi stuff, now the characters and there story is what really brings me in to watch this show.

 First we got the main character which is lelouch vi britani. This kid is the heir to the massive kingdom of brittania which is ruler of the world at this point and lelouch beein in whats called area 11 is treated like a colonnist of that area and he trying to break of those chais that bind him to bad situacions and so one day he pulls of a steal of one of the nightmares (wich are the mechs of this show) from the kingdoms army and starts using his intelligence to killed them onr by one but he finds himsel cornered and when his about to die this girl appears out of nowhere and gives him the choice to have a tremendous power called GEASS and he accepts and so beggins the story of code geass.

 Wow this is full with action and suspense like nothing else the nightmares battle and the power of geass being used to control people to do stuff like kill on behalf of someone that has nothing to do with the matter jajaja I tell you this is one great anime.

And the there are the two sides of justice and evil there is the army of brittania and there is the rebels which are led by Zero which is in reality lelouch hidding behind a mask. But thats not all there is also kallen which is one of the best pilots and suzaku which is the kingdoms finest pilot but there are all sorts of nightmares and pilots..

Then theres cc which is the girl that gave lelouch his power and I still wondered why didn't lelouch hit that hot piece of ass jajaja..

But in the end I have to say this anime is great I really recomended to you guys its really amazing. So i'm gonna give it 10/10 really its that amazing for me so check it out when you have the time ok and let me know if you agree with me or do you think its to corny for your taste haja let me know in the comments now see ya take care bye... :-)

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