domingo, 29 de diciembre de 2013

Top ten most amazing super powers in anime

 In this blog I'll be telling you guys which super power trough out anime is my favorite.

#10. Rasenngan.
Now this power is so simple but at the same time deadly, it can leave massive damage around you and if it catches you your done for hehe.

 #9. Spirit gun.
This attack is short but sweet and when yusuke gets mad it packs one hell of a punch jeje its like a little kamehameha wave.

 #8. Edwards transmutation powers.
Haa this one is tricky but if you think about it he can do whatever he wants with this power you know, he can make a hole cannon or a tank and he could even turn you into ashes if he wanted so its pretty need.

 #7. Seshomarus sword Bakusaiga.
With this amazing sword he can destroy mountains and still have enough power to kill inuyasha and naraku combimed jaja. It an amazing sword.

 #6. Vegetas final flash
This attack is so amazing that cell had to block it cause if he would have dodged it the whole planet would have been destroyed jaja and you know vegeta he always tries to destroy everythimg jaja.

 #5. Rasenshuriken.
Narutos ultimate attack, the rasenshuriken its so powerfull that its more than just a big bang, this attack destroys you at a molecular level not even naruto can handle it at a close distance cause he to is gonna get destroyed jaja.

 #4. The final getsuga tencho: MUGETSU
ichigos most powerfull attack the mugetsu is so strong that he chaged the landscape with just one swing jajaja wow this is amazing hub and not to mentioned the transformation he has ti go trough to achieve it.

Here we go with number three, the classic kamehameha that goku made famous is one of the most powerfull attacks that defeated countless enemies in the series. This attack is so powerful that it can destroyed an entire country with one shot and then some jajaja.

 #2. Spirit bomb.
If you thought the kamehameha was good wait til you see the spirit bomb jaja, if goku has enough time he can make a big enough bomb to explode the whole universe hahahahaha thays how powerfull it is, and why is this one not # 1 well you will see.

well you might think that this powers don,t have the bang that the others have but if you think about it they are the perfect combo.
  For example. If goku comes at me with a kamehameha and actually hits me than im done right....WRONG... with izanagy I can change the outcome of that attack and make you miss at the same time I appear behind you hitting you with the amaterasu amd because the amaterasu cant be stoped then your dead and that is why it is my favorite attack of the all jajajaja.

 So tell me what you thought about it do you agree or not.. tell me what is your favorite super power and I'll tell you why is not jakaka just kidding.

 See yaa and TAKE CARE BYEE :-)

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